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Violence took this sister, too soon…

February 14, 2021 – Valentine’s Day, marks four years since apprentice carpenter, Outi Hicks, was senselessly murdered by a co-worker on a construction site in Fresno, CA. This year, on February 14th, we are calling on the trades community to bring awareness to gender-based violence in the workplace by: – Purchasing #WeAreOutiHicks #EndWorkplaceViolenceNOW t-shirts and bandanas -Wearing your gear through February – Changing your social media profile picture to the #WeAreOutiHicks #EndWorkplaceViolenceNOW meme -Tell the story of Outi Hicks. Remind your co-workers that gender-based violence in the workplace is an issue that must be addressed and eradicated Outi Hicks left here with her three young sons to mourn her. All funds raised will be donated to her children.